General Donations
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Legacy Wall
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Thank You To Our Donors!
We are so grateful for the support of all our donors, past and present, who continue to make the work of the JAG School Foundation possible.
Those who have donated $5,000 and above.
- Air Force Retired Judge Advocate Association
- Col Gary M. Bagliebter
- Judge and Mrs James M. Bumgarner
- Maj Gen and Mrs James S. Cheney
- Lt Col Jean M. Clifford
- Col D. Kay and Major James Cannon
- Maj Gen Gerald F. Crump
- Lt Col and Mrs Morris D. Davis
- Ms Carol DiBattiste
- Brig Gen David G. Ehrhart
- Lt Col Ron M. Feder
- Brig Gen and Mrs Gordon Ginsburg
- Col Gary Halbert
- Mrs Reginald C. Harmon
- Lt Col James R. Hill
- Mr and Mrs Everett G. Hopson
- Brig Gen and Mrs Roger A. Jones
- Mrs Albert M. Kuhfeld
- Brig Gen Joseph R. Lowry
- Brig Gen James R. Marshall
- Col Michael V. Marston
- Brig Gen and Mrs Michael W. McCarthy
- Maj Gen Dixie A. Morrow
- Col and Mrs J. Dennis McQuaid
- Maj Gen Bill and Bobbie Moorman
- Maj Gen and Mrs David C. Morehouse
- Mrs Sally Morehouse
- Maj Gen and Mrs Keithe E. Nelson
- Maj Gen and Mrs Robert W. Norris
- Col and Mrs Glenn Parr
- Col Benoni O. Reynolds
- Brig Gen Edward F. Rodriguez
- Maj Gen Richard D. Roth
- In Memory of Lee and Emanuel Rubin
- Brig Gen Jarisse J. Sanborn
- In Memory of Linda K. Sklute – Loving Wife and Mother
- Alan J. Spilker
- Col and Mrs Robert E. Sutemeier
- Brig Gen Edwin B. Tatum
- Maj Gen and Mrs James Taylor, Jr. – In Memory of Brig Gen Olan Waldrop
Those who have donated $2,500 – $4,999.
- Col and Mrs Bruce S. Bailey
- Col Theron S. and Cherry K. Bailey
- Col James J. Blommer
- Col William P. Boswell
- Mr Bowman Brown
- Lt Gen Christopher F. Burne
- Maj Gen John W. Clark
- Brig Gen and Mrs Dwight Creasy
- Col Parker Denaco
- Col and Mrs John C. Duncan
- Lt Col Mary Jane Dundas
- Maj Gen and Mrs Charles J. Dunlap
- Maj Gen and Mrs Dennis M. Gray
- Col Tonya Hagmaier
- Maj Gen and Mrs Bryan Hawley
- Lt Col James R. Hill
- Mr William T. Hoffman
- Maj Gen Robert G. Kenny
- Col C. Geoff Mangin
- Col Michael V. Marston
- Maj Gen Robert M. Martin, Jr.
- Col William A. Martin
- McGuire, Woods, Battle and Boothe
- Col and Mrs Dennis G. Mille
- MSgt and Mrs J. P. Monahan
- Col John T. Murphy
- Maj Gen Brian C. Newby
- Col Joel M. Oxley
- Brig Gen Paul E. Pirog
- Col Ronald J. Rakowsky
- Brig Gen James C. Roan, Jr.
- Lt Col Charles W. “BRO” Seltzer
- Mr Francis M. Small, Jr.
- Shutts and Bowen, LLP
- Col Jean E. Simpson
- Mr Alan E. Sommerfeld
- Col John F. Strong
- Maj Doug Wade and Maj Leigh Bradley
- Col Gordon Wilder
Those who have donated $1,000 – $2,999.
- Col Carl Abrams
- Col Francis W. Baker
- CMSgt and Mrs Theodore M.. Barber
- Mrs Ernest D. Bedford
- Col Jack S. Bender III
- Lt Col Daniel C. Blaney
- Col Clifton D. Blanks
- Lt Col Glenn E. Bower
- In Memory Of John Brancato
- Capt H. Harrison Braxton, Jr.
- Col and Mrs Donald L. Brewer
- Maj Gen John C. Brosky
- Maj Gen Thomas B. Bruton
- Lt Col Anthony Cefalogi
- Col Jeffrey and Paula Costner
- Brig Gen and Mrs Dominick Driano
- CMSgt and Mrs Charles C. DuFault
- Thomas R. Elliott, Jr.
- Col Dorothy Farrington
- Col Gordon B. Finley, Jr.
- Col Thomas J. Fiscus
- Col Stuart R. Forbes
- Maj James Timothy Forrest
- Col Stanley A. Friedman
- Col Bradley P. Grant
- Brig Gen and Mrs Thomas L. Hemingway
- Col and Mrs. James E. Heupel
- Col Edwin F. Hornbook
- Col L. Hourcle
- Col Bruce R. Houston
- Col Robert J. Honey
- CMSgt Clemencia G. Jemison
- Col Michael B. Jennison
- William E. Johnson
- Col Lester Katahara
- Lt Col John E. Kellogg
- Donald J. Kinlin
- Col and Mrs Lawrence H. Loess, Jr.
- Brig Gen Karl W. Kristoff
- Kevin J. Kuhn
- Maj Gen Steve and Kathy Lepper
- David Leta
- David M. Lewis, Jr.
- Col and Mrs Steve Linder
- Maj Gen Joseph G. Lynch
- Brig Gen Michael N. Madrid
- Charles R. Mannix
- Col and Mrs John J. Martinez, Jr.
- Col Charles Matthewson
- Col and Mrs Scott B. McLauthlin
- Col and Mrs Michael M. McShane
- Brig Gen Martin Mentor
- Col Conley and Charlotte Meredith – In Memory of Jones
- Lt Col and Mrs Jules F. Miller
- Col Roberta Moro
- Lt Col and Mrs John Murdock
- Col George M. Nakano
- Lt Col Joseph S. Northrup
- Judge and Mrs Garrett W. Palmer
- Maj Gen Allen C. Pate
- Col John Mellett
- Richard and Joan Peterson
- Col Gary Price
- Col Andrew Pratt
- Col Tom H. Proctor, Jr.
- Col John W. Ranby
- Col and Mrs Don Rasher
- Col and Mrs Peter Reilly
- Col Robert G. Ripple
- Capt Elizabeth M. Rodriguez
- Col Daniel E. Rogers
- Col Stephen H. Rovak
- Col and Mrs Charles R. Rutherford
- Col Stephen M. Ryan
- Col David M. Schneiderman
- Friends & Supporters of Brig Gen Terry J. Schwalier
- Lt Col George D. Schrader
- Newport News Shipbuilding
- Col and Mrs William G. Stevens
- Col Thomas L. Strand
- Mr John J. Sullivan
- Col and Mrs Pat Sweeney
- CMSgt and Mrs Steve Swigonski
- Col and Mrs David L. Thomas
- Lt Col Russell D. Thompson
- Brig Gen Norman R. Thorpe
- Col Michael G. Torgeson
- Maj Gen Harold R. Vague
- Lt Col Patricia VanDenBrooke
- Col John S. Vento
- Lt Col Harold K. Vickery, Jr.
- Brig Gen Olan G. Waldrop, Jr.
- Lt Col William F. White
- CMSgt Jeffrey C. Williams
- Col and Mrs James E. Wilson
- Col and Mrs Michael D. Wims
- CMSgt Karen E. Yates-Popwell
- Col James A. Young III
Those who have donated $500 – $999.
- Brig Gen and Mrs Ralph W. Adams
- Col Craig R. Anderson
- Col and Mrs Richard M. Bayus
- Jere L. Beasley
- Lt Col William B. Beazley
- Col Kenneth Belongia
- Col James T. Bennett
- Col William D. Benton
- Col Paul Black
- W. E. B. Blackman
- Col and Mrs Donald P. Blinn
- Lt Col Jerry M. Brasel
- Col Lewis G. Brewer
- Col Robert L. Bridge
- Col Edward F. Broderick
- Louis M. Bruckner
- CMSgt Sherry A. Bowes
- Mr Rockne J. Buraglio
- In Honor of Sentiff C. Busby
- Col Guillermo Carranza
- Col R. D. Carrington
- Col Guido J Casari
- Lt Col Cullen Cline
- Col William S. Cowell
- Col Phillip Collins
- Col Douglas Cordova
- Col John M. Crane
- Lt Col Marilyn H. David
- Brig Gen Armando DeLeon
- Ira DeMent
- Col Marc G. Denkinger
- Col Allan Desert
- Lt Col Louis V. diDonato
- Col Paul V. Dixon
- CMSgt Walter H. Dodd
- Col Rodger A. Drew
- Col Robert R. Durden
- Lt Col Charles H. Eyster, Jr.
- CMSgt Gerald W. Farrar
- Col John Foray
- Lt Col Wycliffe S. G. Furcron
- Brig Gen Morton J. and Jean Gold
- Major and Mrs Bill Groves
- Lt Col Robert I. Gruber
- Lt Col Juan-Carlos “JC” Guerrero
- Col Dennis T. Guise
- Col M. A. Hale
- Col and Mrs Reginald T. Hamner
- Capt Edward C. Hansell
- Lt Gen and Mrs Richard C. Harding
- Col Edward H. Heisler
- Col Stuart S. Heller
- Col Archie L. Hensen
- Col and Mrs. John K. Hickey
- Lt Col John C. Hine
- Lt Col Derek K. Hirohata
- Col David E. Hoard
- Lt Col Teresa Hollingsworth
- Mr Merrill Horton
- Col Guy T. Huthnance
- Lt Col Jonathan D. Hyams
- Lt Col Paul C. Isham
- Capt Gary M. Jackson
- JASOC Class 96-B
- JASOC Class 09-B
- Col Kenneth G. B. Joyce
- Col William J. Joyce
- Col William Karr
- Maj Elizabeth Kelly
- Col Ludolph R. Kuhnell III
- Col Joe Lamport
- Lt Col Joseph Lauricella
- Lt Col and Mrs Bryan T. Lawler
- Mr Roy H. Leonard, Jr.
- Col J. Jeremiah Mahoney
- Lt Col Frank E. Merek, Jr.
- Kay King Martin
- Col Harmon O. Massey
- CMSgt Paula McGill
- Eric C. Michaux
- Lt Col James A.. Mitchell
- Col Morris A. Morris
- Maj William S. Moxley
- Hubert Oxford III
- Col Ralph E. Olson
- Lt Col John B. Palochak
- Lt Col Robert E. Parsons
- Michelle Pearce
- Col Joe P. Peck
- Col James A. Peden, Jr.
- Col Michael R. Pent
- Col Daniel B. Geyser
- Col and Mrs Sam M. Pierson III
- Lt Col Thomas G. Pitus
- Col Thomas G. Potts
- Col Gary P. Price
- Col and Mrs Richard Price
- Col Kenneth E. Ratcliff
- Lt Col David D. Rathgeber
- Maj Gen Walter D. Reed
- Col and Mrs Stuart Reichart
- Capt Robert E. Repp
- Col Robert M. Richards
- Lt Col Eric Rissling
- Lt Col Don Robinson
- Col Virgil M. Rochester
- Col Peter N. Rogers
- Col James W. Russell
- James K. Seacrest II
- Lt Col David W. Seitz
- Judge Allen Sharp
- Col William E. Sherman
- Lt Col Philip Sheuerman
- Maj Timothy S. Sinnott
- Col Eugene B. Sick
- Col H. Kirby Smith
- Capt Mary Spangler
- Lt Col Jeffrey R. Sprink
- CMSgt and Mrs Dennis Spitz
- CMSgt Ann “Deb” Stocks
- Col Holly M. Stone
- Maj James M. Stout
- Lt Col Ed Strobl
- Brig Gen Jerald A. Stubbs
- Col Scott Stucky
- Brig Gen James Swanson
- Col and Mrs Jay D. Terry
- Col Frank A. Titus
- Lt Col Patrick A. Tucker
- Col Herbert A. Turk
- Col and Mrs Quincy W. Tucker, Jr.
- Col James R. Van Orsdol
- Lt Col Michael J. Van Zandt
- Col John S. Vento
- Col Oran J. Von Elm
- Col Conrad Von Wald
- Col Jeffrey W. Watson
- Maj Cornelia P. Weiss
- Lt Col Bill C. Wells
- Ernest J. White
- Col Wayne Wisniewski
- Brig Gen Terrence P. Woods
- Lt Col Waldo E. Ximenes
- Brig Gen and Mrs Felix J. Zaniewski